
Preview Night

so it's only been one day and not even a full day and already my eyes have seen more than my brain wanted to bother processing. At the Marvel booth, we saw a mock up of the iron-monger. Ed Brubaker and Humberto Ramos stood idly around chatting with people while Matt Fraction and others signed autographs off to the side. The DC booth was a whirlwind of activity that I barely spent any time in but will definitely check out more later. DC Universe Online was on display in pre-alpha stage and the rest of the exhibit hall was awash in color and light. So many artists are there and so many writers. The Spirit is the theme as everything from busses to bilboards are advertising the movie. I imagine only during comicon will you see something like the stargate MMORPG advertising covering an entire bus in downtown SD.

Today I will simply have to take pictures of everything. And try not to go crazy spending money...

There are so many panels I want to go to yet so many that conflict with each other. Plus with the number of people that are there it may be a matter of not even being able to fit into the rooms. I guess I haven't been learning kung fu for nothing.

Richard and I got to have a special studio pass and sit in a mostly empty reserved section for the screening of Fringe. It looks interesting, already we have a sort of Lost like conspiracy-mystery and drug induced science. Which is the only kind of science if you ask me. The show takes it's name from the idea of "fringe science" which you may know as pseudo science or crap. However, the premise is one of science fiction and once the mysterious Massive Dynamics corporation rears it's ugly head as a result of an investigation into flesh devouring chemicals you quickly get a sense of the kind of show you're watching. Ultimately it's a question of where the show is going and what it will be about as it goes on. Thumbs sideways I say so far.

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